Current Projects
- Well, I am working on it rather than writing about it here. Sorry. Talk to me in person ;-)
Projects I've done in the past
- Programming: ArticleChurner, a filter for articles
- Programming/Kids: From Bambam to Lisp (or: teach your toddler human-computer interaction)
- For Math: a tutorial why and how mathematicians should use (distributed) version control systems such as git.
- Math: My PhD project (under supervision of Matthias Wendt): Motivic Cell Structures for Projective Spaces over split Quaternions.
- Math: german diploma thesis (on Matsumoto's theorem in A¹-homotopy theory) under supervision of Matthias Wendt and Annette Huber, in Freiburg.
- Math (with Matthias Wendt) generalizing from my diploma thesis, we wrote an article: A¹-fundamental groups of isotropic groups (accepted for publication in CRAS).
- Programming (with Reimer Backhaus): Wesen: Learn Python via AI Programming
- Math workshops organized: Computer Tools in Pure Math and univalent foundations (in Freiburg); Topology and Big Data (with Anja Wittmann, in Freiburg)
- Math seminars organized: Rational Homotopy Theory (with Jan Weidner) and Homogeneous Spaces, with GK1821 in Freiburg. Grad student seminar on Motives, in Freiburg.
- Blog: I once kept a list of resources for math PhD students (no longer maintained) which might still be useful.
- Blog: I wrote some (now outdated) tutorials on how to organize various kinds of information and OCR.
- Programming (for Max Voelkel): Google Web Toolkit implementation of (parts of) the Hypertext Knowledge Workbench, precursor of Max' Denkwerkzeug.
Projects in Preparation
... in preparation (what else did you expect?)