Mathematics Resources

Saturday, May 05th, 2012 | Author:

This is a list of resources available on the web for research mathematicians, which used to be updated regularly. The first version was published May 5, 2012. The last update was on March 12, 2015, marked by [UPDATE 15-03-12]. It is now no longer actively maintained.

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Category: English, Mathematics | 3 Comments

Math 2.0

Thursday, January 28th, 2010 | Author:

The term Web 2.0 was coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999 and popularised by Tim O'Reilly in a 2004 conference named Web 2.0. In the beginning, it wasn't totally clear what Web 2.0 really meant for the ordinary web consumer. Then it crystallised out that users associate with the term Web 2.0 an interactive internet. During that time, the first large collaborative dynamic websites were seen, such as Wikipedia and YouTube. Web 1.0 are static HTML pages that don't allow interaction.

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Category: English, Mathematics | One Comment