Managing news

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010 | Author:

Today in the series "How to do XYZ with software?":

How to manage news?

It is vital to get at least some news. You need to know about political developments, to be informed when it's time to cast your vote (or, if you're not living in a democracy, when it's time to protest). You need to know about developments in your work, so you can adapt and don't risk losing your job because you're too old-fashioned. You need to know about economy if you're investing money. You need to stay informed about every project you want to participate in. Maybe you even need to know what pop-stars do, because if not, you have nothing to talk about with your friends.
How to cope with this information overload?
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Category: English | Comments off

Managing the paper's metadata

Monday, January 25th, 2010 | Author:

Today in the series "How to do XYZ with software?":

Annotations and other metadata issues

(You might not want to read this if you're not using Linux or if you're not a developer)
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Category: English | 6 Comments

Managing papers

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010 | Author:

Today in the series "How to do XYZ with software?":

How to manage papers?

I have lots of PDFs on my hard-disk, and most of them is half-read or unread. Since I'm studying mathematics, these PDFs are lecture notes, research papers, my own notes and several more-or-less relevant books. How do I organise them? It's a problem.

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Category: English, Mathematics | Comments off

Managing contacts

Thursday, January 21st, 2010 | Author:

Today in the series "How to do XYZ with software?":

How to manage contacts?

Managing contacts has never been easy - there are various kinds of data floating around (phone numbers, email addresses, private addresses, work addresses, birthdays ...) and the data is always changing ("Hey I got a new phone number ... "). It's better to keep all contacts in one place and to take back-ups of your precious data.

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Category: English, Not Mathematics | One Comment

Managing photos

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 | Author:

Today in the series "How to do XYZ with software?":

How to manage photos?

Probably you have some photos on your computer. Probably you even have a digital camera or at least a mobile phone with integrated camera. If you're looking forward to take a second look at your photos in a few years, you'll need to sort, catalogue and back-up your photos! How to do this?

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Category: English, Not Mathematics | Comments off

Linux, OCR and PDF – problem solved

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 | Author:

Imagine you've scanned some book into a PDF file on Linux, such that every pdf-page contains two book-pages and there is a lot of additional white-space and maybe the page orientation is wrong. And, worst of all, there is no full-text search, thus no full-text indexing for desktop search engines. I consider this problem solved on Linux!
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Category: English | 43 Comments