A survey of GNU/Linux shortcomings

Sunday, February 14th, 2010 | Author:

A long time ago, I switched from Micro$oft Windows to GNU/Linux. Since Ubuntu, I even recommend GNU/Linux to non-computerfreaks. Sadly, Ubuntu is not perfect. In particular, some applications are still missing. What follows is a wish-list of future Ubuntu features/applications. Some of these are available on Windows or Mac OSX, most aren't.
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Category: English | One Comment

Linux, OCR and PDF – problem solved

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 | Author:

Imagine you've scanned some book into a PDF file on Linux, such that every pdf-page contains two book-pages and there is a lot of additional white-space and maybe the page orientation is wrong. And, worst of all, there is no full-text search, thus no full-text indexing for desktop search engines. I consider this problem solved on Linux!
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Category: English | 43 Comments